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These are some of the resources we have found helpful for Plant Based Living.

MOVIES: (Most are available on NetFlix)

Forks Over Knives [Trailer]

Game Changers [Trailer]

Eating You Alive [Trailer]

What the Health [Trailer]

Cowspiracy [Trailer]

Fed Up [Trailer]

Plant Pure Nation [Trailer]

Super Size Me 1&2 [Trailer1] [Trailer2]

Food Matters [Trailer]

Fat Sick & Nearly Dead 1&2 [Trailer1] [Trailer2]

Food, Inc. [Trailer]

Hungry for Changers [Trailer]


The Vegan Starter Kit, Dr. Neal Barnard

The Cheese Trap, Dr. Neal Barnard

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Dr. Caldwell Esseslstyn (This book saved my life)

How Not to Die, Dr. Michael Greger (The first page gave me hope)

The China Study by T. Colin Campbell PhD, and Thomas M. Campbell II MD.

Food is the Solution by Matthew Prescott

Proteinaholic by Dr. Garth Davis

Starch Solution, Dr. John McDougall

Healthiest Diet on the Planet, Dr. John McDougall

The Alzheimer's Solution: A Breakthrough Program to Prevent and Reverse the Symptoms of Cognitive Decline at Every Age

Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Eat for Life by Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Eat for the Planet: Saving the World One Bite at a Time by Nil Zacharis

The Cancer Survivor's Guide: Foods That Help You Fight Back by Neal D. Barnard, MD Jennifer K. Reilly, RD andSusan M. Levin, MS, RD.

From Donuts to Potatoes by Esther Loveridge

Disease Reversal Hope!: Real People. Real Stories.

All purchases from the Amazon links, Amazon will send 0.5% to Dr. McDougalls Health & Medical Center.

(As do all Al’s personal purchases)There is no extra cost to you.

Cook Books:(These are Dottie's Favorites)

Forks over Knives - The Cookbook by Del Sroufe

PlantPure Nation Cookbook by Kim Campbell

The China Study Quick and Easy Cookbook by Del Sroufe

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Cookbook by Ann Crile Esselstyn and Jane Esselstyn

The PlantPure Kitchen by kim Campbell

The China Study Cookbook by Leanne Campbell

The China Study All-Star Collection by Leanne Campbell

Plant Based Cooking Made Easy by Jill and Jeffrey Daltin

How Not to Die Cookbook, Dr. Michael Greger

Back to the Cutting Board by Christina Pirello

--> Plant-Based Air Fryer Cookbook by Janet and Maddie Dockery (Al's Favorite)

Especially the intro


Search on YouTube “WFPB”or“Dr Greger”or“Dr. Barnard”or“Dr Mcdougall”or“Dr Esselstyn”

Dr. McDougall's Health & Medical Center

UC DAVIS Integrative Medicine

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

Dr. Michael Kalper

Dr. Dean Ornish

TrueNorth Health Center

Dr. Joel Kahn

Kahn Center for Cardiac Longevity

Jane Esselstyn on YouTube


T.Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies

Some Healthy Recipes and Cooking Websites

The Savory Vegan

Eat Plant Based

Local Spicery

If  you have any suggestions to add

Please let me know

Some Self Help Websites

Here are some videos that you may find interesting:

Eat Your Vegetables by Maureen Craig

Can food be used to prevent and reverse disease? How much value is in the old adage, "Eat your Vegetables" Does even small movement towards eating whole plant food make a difference to human health. What about unhealthy plant food, is it more tightly associated with heart disease than animal products? Health Care Professionals are encourage to share the power of whole plant food with their patients.

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